How to Activate Your Pixiu Bracelet: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Activate Your Pixiu Bracelet: A Step-by-Step Guide

buddha and karma's author

A Pixiu bracelet (also called Piyao bracelet) becomes more powerful when you activate its energy.

In this guide, find out how you can activate your Pixiu bracelet based on Feng Shui Bracelet Rules. Learn what you should do before, during, and after wearing the bracelet to get the most out of your wealth charm.


Note before you proceed: If you're looking for the meaning and benefits of the Pixiu bracelet, tap here. If you're looking to browse our Pixiu bracelet collection, tap the image below:

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In this article

How to Wear a Piyao Bracelet

Wear the Piyao bracelet on your left hand, with the head facing toward your little finger.

In feng shui, the left hand is considered the receiving hand. Wearing the bracelet on your left hand allows Pixiu to absorb abundant energy into your own energy field. Make sure the head faces outward so its eyes can look for wealth around you.

Now that you know how to wear a Pixiu bracelet, it's time to activate it. Activating means you're aligning Pixiu with your intention, making it more powerful.

How to Activate Your Pixiu Bracelet in 9 Steps

Before Wearing Your Pixiu

1. Cleanse your bracelet

Your bracelet may have accumulated too much energy as it reaches your doorstep. This can dull the effect of your wealth charm. That's why it's essential that you cleanse it before wearing. Keep reading until the end to learn how to cleanse your Pixiu bracelet.

2. Feed your Pixiu

Before wearing the bracelet, you must train your Pixiu to look out for abundance. To do this, place it in a bowl filled with precious items such as coins and gems. However, refrain from using paper bills because Pixiu is not attracted to them. Do this annually, before the upcoming Chinese New Year begins.

3. Program your intention

The energy of your bracelet must align with the energy of your intention. You can achieve this by turning your goal into affirmation. For instance, you can say “I attract the energy of abundance” every day while wearing the bracelet. Repeat the mantra Several times to manifest someone's intentions.


While Wearing Your Pixiu

4. Wear it on your left hand

In Chinese culture, the left hand is considered the receiving hand. The saying goes, “The left is going in, the right is going out.” Wearing the Feng Shui Bracelet on your left hand helps you absorb wealth chi (energy), thus, inviting abundance into your life.

5. Make Pixiu face outwards

This means the head of Pixiu should face toward the direction of your little finger. Doing so allows the fortune beast to look for precious items around you.

6. Pet your Pixiu

Piyao serves you best when you strengthen your bond with it. To do this, you must touch its body frequently, just like how you would with your pet. However, avoid touching its mouth and eyes which it uses to hunt for treasures.

7. Work toward your goal

Good feng shui teaches us to work toward our goal. In return, the universe through the Piyao bracelet will aid us in manifesting our intentions.


After Wearing Your Pixiu

8. Let it face outside

While it is advised to wear the bracelet every time, you’ll have to remove it when you’re sleeping, using the toilet, or making love. When you do, you can place it in your bowl, with its head facing the door or windows. This lets Piyao continue searching for abundance even at home. When you’re outside, you can pack it in a red cloth whenever you’re using the toilet.

9. Pack it in a red cloth if it breaks

There will come a time when your bracelet will break. This could mean the amulet has already served its purpose. When it breaks, pack it in a red cloth and bury it to the ground.

Related Post: Feng Shui Bracelet: Meaning, Benefits, and Rules


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how to activate pixiu bracelet

Pixiu Bracelet Rules at a Glance

  • Wearing Hand: Traditionally, the Pixiu bracelet is worn on the left hand, as it is believed that wealth enters from the left and exits from the right.

  • Handling: Always handle the Pixiu bracelet with clean hands. It's considered disrespectful to touch it after touching dirt or after visiting the restroom.

  • Facing Direction: When wearing, ensure the Pixiu's head is facing outward, towards the direction of your pinky finger. This is believed to draw wealth towards you.

  • Sleeping: Remove the bracelet before sleeping and place it in the living room, preferably facing the main door. Avoid placing it in the bedroom.

  • Consecrated Space: If possible, place the bracelet in a consecrated space or on an altar when not in use to show respect.

  • Avoid Ground: Never place the Pixiu bracelet on the ground. This is considered disrespectful and may dissipate its energy.

  • Recharge: Periodically, expose the bracelet to high-frequency sound or sage smoke to recharge its energy

  • Respect: Treat the Pixiu with respect. It's not just a piece of jewelry but a spiritual talisman believed to attract wealth and ward off negative energies.


How to Cleanse Your Pixiu Bracelet

First, clean the bracelet on a physical level. Remove dust and wash it with running water.

Then, cleanse it on an energy level. For best result, cleanse your bracelet with high-frequency vibrations.

To cleanse with sound, you'll need:

  • a Tibetan singing bowl
  • a mallet

Follow the steps below to remove negative energy from your bracelet,

  1. Place your bracelet next to the bowl.
  2. Then, strike the bowl with the mallet to produce the cleansing sound.
  3. Rub the side of the bowl to keep the vibration going.
  4. Allow the sound to wash over your Pixiu charm. This will recharge the energy of the bracelet, strengthening its effects.
  5. Do this for 5-10 minutes.

As a rule of thumb, you should also cleanse your Piyao bracelet at least once a month to remove the negative energy that attaches to it.


How to Wear a Double Pixiu Bracelet

Wear your double Pixiu bracelet on your left hand.

Just like with your regular Pixiu bracelet, this charm should be worn on the receptive hand to absorb its wealth energy.

how to wear double pixiu bracelet

You can follow the same steps above to activate your double Pixiu bracelet.

  1. Cleanse your bracelet
  2. Feed your Pixius
  3. Program your intentions
  4. Wear them on your left hand
  5. Pet your Pixius
  6. Work toward your goal
  7. Pack them in red cloth if they break

Double Pixiu bracelet meaning. In feng shui, we put a mirror in front of the dining table to make it appear like we’re doubling the amount of food. This is said to bring in prosperity twofold.

This practice is called “doubling excellence,” the concept behind the double Pixiu bracelet.

With two Pixius in one bracelet, you get to attract twice more energy than a single charm.


Pixiu Bracelet FAQs

What is a Pixiu bracelet for?

A Pixiu bracelet is worn to attract, acquire, and preserve wealth. In Chinese culture, Piyao is known as the “fortune beast,” which is believed to be a creature that brings abundance to its owner.

Who can and cannot wear a Pixiu bracelet?

Individuals who want to manifest wealth and abundance can wear a Pixiu bracelet. However, feng shui experts suggest that people aged below 16 or over the age of 70, as well as pregnant women, should refrain from wearing the amulet. This is because Piyao's energy can be too strong for these people to wear. The only exception is if you meditate regularly or you have an active lifestyle.

Which Hand to Wear the Pixiu bracelet?

Wear the Pixiu bracelet on your left hand, just likecitrine bracelet how you would wear the feng shui pixiu mantra ring.

How do you wear a Pixiu bracelet?

In general, feng shui masters advise to wear the bracelet on your left hand. This is because the Chinese people believe that the left side of the body is used to receive the world’s energy. Be sure to activate Pixiu too by cleansing it, feeding it, and programming your intention.

Where should the head of Pixiu face?

The head of Pixiu should face outward, toward your little finger.

Where can I place Pixiu at home?

Place it in a bowl filled with precious items such as coins and gems. Make sure the head of Pixiu is facing toward your door or windows.

Can I wear Pixiu to sleep?

You cannot wear Pixiu to sleep. This creature can be too aggressive that it can disturb you while you sleep.

Where do I put Pixiu bracelet when sleeping?

When sleeping, it is recommended to remove the Pixiu bracelet and place it in the living room, preferably facing the main door or window. Do not place it in the bedroom to avoid disturbing the energy. Additionally, placing it in a consecrated space or on an altar can show respect to the Pixiu. Always handle the bracelet with clean hands and avoid placing it on the ground.

Can I wear Pixiu to toilet?

You cannot wear Pixiu when you’re in the toilet. You should treat Pixiu as a friend to earn its loyalty. Just like how you wouldn’t go with your friend in the toilet, you wouldn’t want to bring Pixiu with you either. The same goes for taking a bath or when you’re making love.

Can I wear my Pixiu bracelet with my watch?

Yes, you can wear the charm bracelet with your watch.

Can I wear my Pixiu bracelet with other bracelets?

Yes, you can wear your Pixiu with other bracelets. In fact, it's best to wear a citrine bracelet with Pixiu to get the most out of your wealth charm. This is because citrine is crystal that amplifies the energy of other charms.


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