October 2024 Horoscope: What’s In Store for Each Zodiac?

October 2024 Horoscope: What’s In Store for Each Zodiac?

8 min read

buddha and karma's author

October brims with festivities and vibrant happenings. Yet, as the season ushers in chillier days and extended nights, there's a Feng Shui-induced dip in energy. Consequently, many zodiac signs should be mindful of their well-being.

Are you in the path of these subdued energies this month? Curious about what lies ahead? Dive into the October 2024 horoscope to uncover the mysteries!


Birth Year: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

Rat - October 2024 Horoscope

This month, the Rat's energy takes a hit due to the #2 Illness Star. The presence of this inauspicious star may leave you feeling drained. However, there's a silver lining with the appearance of the Sum-of-Ten combination, bringing completion luck. Its appearance helps you finish projects you started.

If you can manage to counter the Illness Star, the presence of the Sum-of-Ten can lead to both happiness and financial rewards. Make sure to wear the Jade Wu Lou Bracelet to ward off the energy of the Illness Star. Carry the Maximum Success Bracelet to activate completion luck.


Birth Year: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

Ox - October 2024 Horoscope

Good fortune continues to shine on the Ox this month with the arrival of the #9 Future Prosperity Star. Expect opportunities for financial windfalls and career advancement. This is especially true with the presence of the annual #6 Heaven Star shining strong in your sector, amplifying your luck.

Activate the energy of good fortune with the Green Jade Pixiu Bracelet. Both jade and the Pixiu amulet are known to boost luck in Feng Shui. And with your good fortune coming, keep an eye out for envy from others. Wear the Hamsa Hand Evil Eye Bracelet to ward off the energy of envy.


Birth Year: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

Tiger - October 2024 Horoscope

This is a prosperous period for the Tiger, with the #9 Future Prosperity Star bringing recognition and significant career progress. The annual #6 Heaven Star also makes things brighter for you this month. With your foreseen success, it may also attract jealousy. So, stay mindful of those around you as you embrace the positive energies this month.

Wear the Green Jade Pixiu Bracelet to activate the energy of good fortune. In Feng Shui, both green jade and Pixiu are both connected to the heavens. Make sure to protect yourself from the energy of envy by wearing the Hamsa Hand Evil Eye Bracelet.


Birth Year: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Rabbit - October 2024 Horoscope

The Rabbit enjoys the influence of the #4 Romance and Academic Star this month, enhancing social interactions and intellectual activities. Expect new friendships, fresh ideas, and an active social life. Romance is also on the rise, with potential admirers in sight. However, married Rabbits should tread carefully, as the increased romantic energy could cause misunderstandings. Student Rabbits are set for academic success, particularly in exams.

Amplify romance luck with the Rose Quartz Love Bracelet. For married couples, seek the calming energy of the Amethyst Tree to maintain harmony in your relationship. For students, display Mini Buddha Figurines to invite academic luck.


Birth Year: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Dragon - October 2024 Horoscope

The Dragon's luck declines this month with the arrival of the #5 Misfortune Star, bringing potential challenges in the form of illness, financial loss, and relationship difficulties. It's important to avoid unnecessary risks in business and physical activities, as things are more likely to go wrong during this time. The Five Yellow Star also amplifies the annual #2 Illness Star, further lowering your energy levels and increasing the risk of health problems.

This month, you’ll need spiritual protection more than ever. Wear the Wu Lou Holy Gourd Charm to counter the annual illness energy. Pair it with the Triple Protection Bracelet to defend yourself from the Misfortune Star.


Birth Year: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

Snake - October 2024 Horoscope

Beware: This month’s #5 Misfortune Star intensifies the annual #2 Illness Star in your sector. This is a month where the Snake should focus on staying low-key. The combination of challenging stars in your area signals potential relationship struggles, obstacles, and health concerns. Rather than pushing forward, it’s best to take a step back and prioritize rest. Pushing too hard now could lead to setbacks instead of progress.

This is a time when you need the protective properties of the Triple Protection Bracelet the most. The crystals in this bracelet help you ward off the energy of the Misfortune Star. You would also benefit from the nurturing energy of the Jade Wu Lou Holy Gourd, a potent Feng Shui cure against the Illness Star.


Birth Year: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Horse - October 2024 Horoscope

Those born under the Horse sign can expect success coming their way as the #1 Victory Star graces their area. They’re likely to dominate the competition whether in work or personal pursuits. Money luck is also favorable this month, so it’s a good month for you. However, be mindful of betrayal energies, as they could complicate things.

Get the most out of the Victory Star when you wear the Maximum Success Bracelet. If at work, display the Citrine Money Tree at your desk to amplify the energy of success.


Birth Year: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

Goat - October 2024 Horoscope

With the presence of the #3 Quarrelsome Star, the Goat faces negative energies this month. Watch out for small misunderstandings that could escalate to major arguments. Worse, it can also become legal issues. Always keep your cool when dealing with the people around you.

Diffuse quarrelsome energies with the Amethyst Orgonite Pyramid. Amethyst is known for its soothing properties, making it the perfect Feng Shui cure for the Quarrelsome Star. Pair it with an Amethyst Bracelet so you can clear negativities wherever you go.


Birth Year: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Monkey - October 2024 Horoscope

This month, you may experience heightened irritability due to the #3 Quarrelsome Star affecting your sign. It's important to remain calm to prevent potential conflicts, especially with those you value. On a positive note, your annual #9 Future Prosperity Star continues to bless you with good fortune.

Calm the quarrelsome energies with the Amethyst Orgonite Pyramid. Amethyst is cherished for its calming and balancing qualities, making it an ideal Feng Shui remedy to soothe the effects of the Quarrelsome Star. Catch all the blessings of the Future Prosperity Star with the help of the Green Jade Pixiu Bracelet.


Birth Year: 1945, 1933, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Rooster - October 2024 Horoscope

This month brings prosperity luck to the Rooster thanks to the #8 Wealth Star. You may find wealth, happiness, and good fortune surrounding you. However, the presence of lingering illness energies calls for careful attention. As you embrace this prosperous time, it's important to prioritize your health while working toward your goals. Balancing both will help ensure lasting success and well-being.

Activate the Wealth Star in your sector with the Feng Shui Pixiu Black Obsidian Bracelet. Counter the illness energy surrounding you with the Green Jade Wu Lou Holy Gourd.


Birth Year: 1946, 1934, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Dog - September 2024 Horoscope

Challenges arise for the Dog, as this month’s #7 Loss Star increases the risk of accidents, betrayal, and unexpected expenses. Avoid extreme sports as much as possible and take extra precautions in physical activities. Steer clear of sharp metal objects, too, to reduce the likelihood of injury. While the annual #4 Romance Star is favorable, married Dogs should remain vigilant to guard against infidelity. Single dogs should also be wary of deceit.

With a challenging month coming, you can find support in the Double Pixiu Bracelet. This Feng Shui cure helps protect you from negative energies brought by the Loss Star. On the romance side, you can rely on the Red Garnet Bracelet to keep your relationship alive.


Birth Year: 1947, 1935, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

Pig - October 2024 Horoscope

The Pig encounters a challenging month with the #7 Loss Star influencing your sector, raising the risk of scams or financial setbacks. Be extra mindful with your money, and don’t rush into any financial decisions if you feel uncertain. This star also weakens the positive energies of the annual #4 Romance Star, so single Pigs should tread carefully in new romantic endeavors, as there’s a chance for disappointment.

As you face a challenging month ahead, the Double Pixiu Bracelet offers valuable support, shielding you from the negative energies of the Loss Star. For matters of the heart, the Rose Quartz Bracelet can help improve your romance luck.

Lisa Wu

Lisa Wu blends ancient wisdom with modern living, focusing on Feng Shui, crystal healing, meditation, and mindfulness. Through her writings, she guides individuals towards a balanced, mindful lifestyle. Drawing from her rich heritage and personal journey, Lisa inspires a harmonious blend of tradition and contemporary practices.

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